Watch: Scandal, Season 4 Episode 14 - “The Lawn Chair”

Tonight`s episode of the fourth season of ABC Scandal, is called, “The Lawn Chair,”:  Jake tells Olivia she needs a war buddy to talk about her trauma but she says she’s in the resting stage, not the talking stage. She tells him she’s not even working and says she’s at home in bed. Jake agrees to let her rest when she promises to call tomorrow. Of course Liv is not in bed, she’s meeting Chief Connors at a crime scene to talk about 17 year old Brandon Parker. The kid pulled a knife and the cop shot him.

He says they have a dead black kid killed by a white officer. She’s concerned about the optics and tells him they need to get the body off the street now. Brandon’s dad is there with a shotgun and demands to see the cop that shot his son. Olivia tries to talk the chief down.

Watch it all below.


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