Watch: American Horror Story: Freak Show, Episode 11 - Magical Thinking

“American Horror Story” has returned with a brand new episode following the show’s short winter hiatus, the 11th  episode is titled “Magical Thinking”:  Elsa (Jessica Lange) is preparing for her move to Hollywood. The freak show leader has been focused on becoming a Hollywood star ever since Stanley (Denis O’Hare) arrived at the camp. But what Elsa doesn’t know is that Stanley has been feeding her lies. Everything he told her about her own TV show and meetings with producers had been fabricated as a way for him to infiltrate her camp and profit from the deaths of the freaks that work for her. Desiree (Angela Bassett) learned the truth from Maggie Esmeralda (Emma Roberts) in episode 10 –but will Elsa believe her? “

Part of Elsa’s preparations will include the introduction of the freak show’s new owner – Chester (Neil Patrick Harris) a traveling salesman that the twins are “enamored” with and he is also a magician. Dell (Michael Chiklis) is plotting to help his son Jimmy (Evan Peters) escape police custody, but it’s unknown if he’ll succeed in time.


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