Watch: American Horror Story: Freak Show Episode 3 - Edward Mordrake: Part 1

This week`s episode of American Horror Story is called "Edward Mordrake,"which delves into the myth about a madman with two faces believed to have existed back in the 1950s: "Well in American Horror Story what we like to do is tackle horror myths and Edward Mordrake is an amazing myth. There are some people who say its real and there are photos online that purport to be autopsy photos and there are other people who say it's not, There was a period based on our research that involved a freak show so that's part of the myth,"

"For the first time it seemed that conjoined twins could be separated. So that's an interesting dilemma for the season: what do you do if you're a conjoined twin and one twin wants surgery and the other doesn't. The surgery back then basically said we have to sacrifice one in order for the other one to live." said the series co-creator Ryan Murphy.


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